I have the following qualifications:
- Certificat d’Etudes de Psychosynthèse (Psychosynthèse et Ouverture Créative), 2002 (Montpellier)
- Diplôme d’Etudes de Psychothérapie en Psychosynthèse, 2006 (Paris)
- Levels 1 & 2 of the Gottman Method Couples Therapy
- Member of the SFPT (Société Française de Psychosynthèse Thérapeutique): https://sfpt-psychosynthese.fr/
- Member of the FF2P (Fédération Française de Psychothérapie et Psychanalyse): https://www.ff2p.fr/
The FF2P is affiliated with both the European Association for Psychotherapy (https://www.europsyche.org/)
& the World Council for Psychotherapy (https://www.worldpsyche.org/)
Before moving to Paris in 1999, I already knew that I wanted to train as a therapist and thought I would return to London to do so.
However, as it quickly became clear I wanted to stay in France, I looked into training options in Psychosynthesis* - the approach which I'd already been interested in before coming to France - and was able to begin my training in a private institute based in Montpellier & then Paris. The course was extremely experiential and I was required to be in therapy myself with a French speaking therapist.
My training
* Psychosynthesis is a holistic (mind-body-emotions) approach which explores and takes into account your past, works with what you're going through in the present and, importantly, has a hope for the future, encouraging exploration of your creativity and potential.